The Height of Industrial Heritage
as an Event Venue

SugarCity Events, residing in the former CSM sugar factory just outside Amsterdam, is rich in history and unmatched in size and character. In recent years, it has blossomed into a highly popular venue and it’s still developing. SugarCity Events is currently much sought after by national and international event planners alike.

Time stood still here

When we enter the SugarCity Events factory, it feels as if time stood still here. Everything’s reminiscent of the rich history of the factory. The look and feel is raw, authentic and industrial and absolutely nothing was manufactured. But looks can be deceiving. Behind this raw appearance is a well-cared-for event venue, that’s always developing and innovating.

“Much has changed in the past couple of years,” says Rikwin Schäfer from SugarCity Events, who gives us a tour of the impressive venue. “This stairway for example, that connects the VIP-deck to the first floor, is new. You can’t see it’s new, because the stairway was taken from another part of the site. By doing so, we don’t just breathe new life into old, fantastic objects, but it matches the style of our venue perfectly as well.”

Incredible capacity

But much more has happened in recent years. More space on the site has been occupied and the safety precautions have been improved to the point where the venue can now facilitate events from 2 up to 10.000 people. “No, not with just two people right in the middle of our massive venue for an intimate dinner, but in one of the smaller spaces which we keep adding to our list. The demand for events for smaller groups is increasing, so we gladly adjust. Up here in the Middenfabriek (Middle Factory), on the second floor, we’ve equipped two break-out rooms, but they’re equally fit for small, intimate events,” Rikwin says.

The Middenfabriek is the largest central hall of the factory with the characteristic atriums. Apart from the Middenfabriek, SugarCity offers four spaces for events: the Pulppersloods (Pulper Shed), the Binnenstraat (Inner Street), the Pakhuis (Warehouse) and the Bietenwasruimte (Sugar Beet Washer). All spaces are connected and can be used together for that incredible capacity of 10.000, but they can also be booked individually or in other combinations for smaller groups. “And we recently split up the toilets as well, creating two separate groups, which allows for multiple events to take place here at the same time. That flexibility benefits us.”

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Cranes & generators

As if all that isn’t enough for a single event venue, our tour takes us to a couple of exciting, unused spaces of the factory. Behind the Pulppersloods is the generator room, where the factory was once powered through a large generator. An overhead crane in the room was used to switch generators and when we try our hand at the crank, we find it still works. With a little imagination, we can see the next event space of SugarCity Events come to live here.

The event venue and surrounding terrain have much to offer, and it’s always developing. That ensures a long life span of this venue. Because with so much space and so many possibilities, you can always keep your venue fresh and surprising. Add to that the rich history of the terrain and the hospitality of SugarCity Events, and what is possibly the height of industrial heritage converted to an event venue; and you’ve struck gold.


Kristalpromenade 7,

1165 PD Halfweg

The SugarCity-complex has a railway station right in front of the door and it’s only a ten minute train ride to Amsterdam Central Station. The terrain also borders on the A200 motorway, which takes you to Haarlem or Amsterdam in no-time. Incidentally, the terrain can only be accessed through one entrance – making it a highly practical venue for the security of large events.